Ava's Manor: A Solitaire Story - Soft Launch Art Dump

Here's some of the work I did for Ava's Manor. Throughout the project thus far I've been responsible for assembling assets in-engine, producing environment assets, helping establish pipelines and solutions for Artistic challenges and I've also made two characters. It's currently in soft launch in several countries.

The Manor I was responsible for modelling. There were some major challenges in getting it to blend seamlessly with the interior while also ensuring each room had enough space to play out the narrative of the game.

The Manor I was responsible for modelling. There were some major challenges in getting it to blend seamlessly with the interior while also ensuring each room had enough space to play out the narrative of the game.

Kinda looks cool when dimmed ⚫

Kinda looks cool when dimmed ⚫

Bedroom variation I made.

Bedroom variation I made.

Model of the Manor

Model of the Manor

Trying to show off floor reflection shader.

Another area I assembled for the game. I was responsible for modelling most of the assets other than the foliage.

Another area I assembled for the game. I was responsible for modelling most of the assets other than the foliage.

The Glade. Area I was responsible for putting together.

Cooper. Had some great direction from our concept artist Amy Staple.

Cooper. Had some great direction from our concept artist Amy Staple.

Material in Arnold I made to bake the depth effect of the terrain fading into the water into the sprite.

I did some further work on the tool I've been developing for the art team to help with vert painting. Usually you'd have no idea what color set name to assign to interact with the material unless you looked at the node network. Now it's easier.

My buddy Dale made the horse statue. Great sculptor and person.

My buddy Dale made the horse statue. Great sculptor and person.